
CultureSwing is a set of cultural training programs, jointly developed with my colleague Sandra Valkenburg (The Culture Garden), focussing on businesses and their employees . The aim of CultureSwing is to encourage people from different cultural backgrounds to interact in a way that leads to positive feelings and successful outcomes on a professional and personal level.

Three different programs are currently on offer, and each one can be divided into various modules and adapted for individual or group needs.

Please contact us for more detaiuls or to set up an appointment.
We are happy to visit you at your convenience.

Programs currently on offer:

Program I

Preparing employees to work in the Netherlands or abroad

Does your company recruit employees from abroad or send employees abroad?

If so, you'll like them to settle into their new country as smoothly as possible to make their expatriation effective.

Arriving in a new environment is exciting but also raises a lot of questions. What’s the business culture?What’s the best way of dealing with cultural differences? How to behave in your professional and private life? This course answers these and many other similar questions.

Employees and their families will receive not only practical tips for settling into the new country but also advice on common issues such as culture shock and adapting to an expat life.

Starting off using culture-general models, we use the knowledge of a broad network of country specialists to prepare your employees for local  customs and to help them interact successfully with their new environment for an effective relocation.

Program II
Collaborating and communicating on the work floor

Do you work in or with culturally diverse teams?

If so, have you experienced different approaches to dealing with tasks or colleagues?
Is diversity a factor that enriches – or impedes – the collaboration in your team?
Does everyone feel accepted? Do people feel misunderstood at times?

A little time spent on cultural understanding and the various ways people from differing cultures communicate can have a very positive impact on your team and your business.

This course helps teams work more efficiently by raising awareness about cultural differences, learning about different communication strategies and valuing a culturally diverse work environment.

Program III

Doing international business


If your company does business abroad, you may find negotiating with foreign companies a challenge.
Perhaps you encounter communication obstacles or end up with outcomes that are different to the ones you expected?

A solution may be found in a deeper understanding of the cultural values driving the actions of your business partners. We help you assess past experiences and then develop your skills in dealing with international partners, boosting your chances of success in doing international business.

Course details

Courses can vary in duration, depending on the needs of your company and the programme selected. Each course lasts between 3-12 hours spread over half a day to two days and will be in-company.
We prefer working with small to medium-sized groups to achieve the most effective learning results. The style of our courses is informal, using real life examples and group interaction to learn from each other. Quotes will be given upon request, based on your company’s needs.